Let’s be honest, we all suffer from stress. Whether you realize it or not, you do.
So how does one identify stress?
Signs can be anything from quickened heartbeat to a slight feeling of queasiness. Stress can be caused due to n-number of reasons; work pressure, personal problems, monetary issues, unhealthiness and more. A slight disturbance, be it at work or home, can cause your stress hormones pumping and your blood pressure rising quickly. Most of the times the cause of stress can be identified and treated.
The good news is: There are ways to reduce & manage stress. No matter what causes you stress, you have the power to de-stress almost instantly!
A well-devised plan focusing on your entire body and not just your mind is what will work to entirely de-stress your life. Making use of Yoga for stress relief has become quite popular. As such, I have devised this basic yoga for beginners guide along with simple exercises that comprise of an extensive 6 weeks routine. This will help you de-stress, and live a better & happier life henceforth.
So have a look at the below-mentioned infographic to know about the different yoga postures for stress relief, and stay fit & be happy!
Dive into our ultimate guide and start your path to a calmer, more balanced life today!
De-stressing your mind and body needs to be done with utmost care, follow the below-mentioned simple six-week plan to completely de-stress your life. When it comes to basic yoga for beginners, power yoga comprising of relaxing yoga poses for stress relief is the best way to start off. Whether you have practised yoga before or not, starting slow is advised for best results.
Sanskrit Name: Tadasana
Tadasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The mountain pose in yoga helps improve posture, sense of centre, mental clarity and is a solid breathing exercise.
Instructions To Perform Tadasana Yoga Pose:
Sanskrit Name: Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The downward facing dog yoga pose for stress relief offers full-body circulation and is a great stretch for calves & heels, and relaxes the mind.
Instructions To Perform Adho Mukha Svanasana Yoga Pose:
Sanskrit Name: Virabhadrasana
Virabhadrasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The warrior pose in yoga helps in strengthening and stretching your legs and ankles and makes you feel lighter.
Instructions To Perform Virabhadrasana Yoga Pose:
Each of these poses can be repeated in a set of 3 with 10 counts. Know more by clicking here.
Exercising is similar to yoga. In the beginning, you will have to start slow, as strenuous exercises, in the beginning, will unnecessarily tire you and you may not follow this guide for the next 6 weeks. The exercises can either be practised week wise, or you may make a personalized exercise schedule for yourself.
Since the health benefits of walking are innumerable, starting your de-stressing routine with a brisk walking exercise is a good choice. Walking briskly helps you to not only lose weight but it also helps you to tone up your body and fight off illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer etc. Plus, it helps release your feel-good endorphins which assist in reducing stress & anxiety.
To start brisk walking, all you have to do is wear your sports shoes and begin walking at a specific speed. Further, to obtain the maximum benefits of brisk walking, practice deep breathing while performing this exercise.
Jumping jacks is a cardiovascular exercise that helps to make your bones stronger. The jumping jacks workout helps to keep your body fit and improves your overall muscle strengthen & endurance. Other benefits of jumping jacks include improve metabolism, weight loss, improve blood circulation & more.
Instructions To Perform the Jumping Jacks Exercise
You can perform the jumping jacks exercise daily or try alternate days, the choice is yours. To know more, Click here.
Cycling is the one cardio exercise which you must practice every week. In fact, every day. Riding a bicycle is the easiest exercise you can get into and the health benefits of cycling consist of improve posture & coordination, muscle strength, improve joint mobility and more. Also, for some muscle rehabilitation regimes, especially knee rehabilitation, cycling is a good form of exercise.
Try the cycling exercise early in the morning, as there is very little pollution during this time.
To start with, you can ride for 10 minutes, just to get used to this bicycle workout routine during the week. Then, as the week’s progress, you can increase the duration.
As far as stress-relieving yoga postures go this is the easiest. Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskar, has it is popularly known, is a form of yoga which you can practice daily. You can start with a number as low as 10 and increase it per set.
There are various benefits of Surya Namaskar, like improve blood circulation, increase strength in the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, fingers, back, stomach, waist, abdomen, intestines, thighs, knees, calves and ankles. In addition, practising the Surya Namaskar yoga will help to boost your immune system and assist you in reducing/managing your weight.
Sanskrit Name: Vriksasana
Vriksasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The tree pose in yoga helps improve your balance, strengthens your thighs, calves, ankles and spine.
Instructions To Perform Vriksasana Yoga Pose:
Click here to know more about Tree Pose.
Sanskrit Name: Setu Bandhasana
Setu Bandhasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The bridge pose in yoga assist in strengthening your neck, chest and spine. Also, it is a great warm-up exercise for more intense backbends.
Instructions To Perform Setu Bandhasana Yoga Pose:
Here’s how you can make Setu Bandhasana yoga pose (bridge pose) easier – Place a stack of pillows underneath your tailbone.
Sanskrit Name: Trikonasana
Trikonasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The triangle pose in yoga helps you perform a full body stretch, strengthens thighs, knees, ankles and also relieves backaches.
Instructions To Perform Trikonasana Yoga Pose:
Each of this yoga triangle pose can be repeated in a set of 3 with 10 counts.
Spot Jogging for few minutes in your bedroom rather than getting dressed up and going to the gym, is a better and comfortable alternative.
Spot Jogging Benefits: An indoor exercise, spot jogging is basically jogging in one place. Spot jogging helps reduce belly fat & assist in weight loss. Plus, since it is a hassle-free workout it doesn’t require an expensive gym setup.
Instructions To Perform Spot Jogging:
Mountain climber is a challenging all-inclusive exercise that offers a full body workout. It is the best exercise to tone your abdominal muscles and helps burn calories.
Benefits of Mountain Climber Exercise: The mountain climber workout is a great cardiovascular exercise that improves blood circulation and makes your heart healthier. It also helps increase your total body strength as well as improve your metabolic rate.
Instructions To Perform the Mountain Climber Exercise:
Click here to know more about Mountain Climber.
Sanskrit Name: Ardha Matsyendrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The seated twist exercise assists in stretching the shoulders, hips and back; increases circulation, tones abdomen and strengthens obliques.
Instructions To Perform Ardha Matsyendrasana Yoga Pose:
Sanskrit Name: Bhujangasana
Bhujangasana Yoga Pose Benefits: When practising yoga to reduce stress, the cobra pose helps to not only relieve stress, but also helps extend & relax the back muscles and strengthens the arms.
Instructions To Perform Bhujangasana Yoga Pose (Bhujangasana Steps):
To know more about Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Click here
Sanskrit Name: Ekapada Rajakapotasana
Ekapada Rajakapotasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The pigeon pose in yoga helps to open up the shoulders & the chest and is a great quad stretch.
Instructions To Perform Ekapada Rajakapotasana Yoga Pose:
Click here to know more about Pigeon Pose.
A particularly good choice for cardiovascular exercise, the invisible jump rope workout is an indoor exercise that can help strengthen the upper and lower body and increase bone density.
Invisible Jump Rope Benefits: The skipping rope exercise assists in improving your coordination, endurance and balance. It also makes your mind more agile and is a good form of exercise for weight loss.
Instructions To Perform the Invisible Jump Rope Exercise:
For More information on Invisible Jump Rope, Click here
The Burpees exercise for beginners is the simplest way to improve your cardiovascular fitness. The Burpee workout is an intense full body exercise and can be customised to fit any fitness level.
Burpees Exercise Benefits: The burpees workout helps you perform a full body stretch and strengthens the arms, chest, hamstring, glutes and other core muscles.
Instructions To Perform the Burpees Workout (Burpees Exercise Steps):
Last step?
To know about the benefits of Basic Burpee Click here
Sanskrit Name: Bakasana
Bakasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The crow pose in yoga helps strengthen your arms, wrists and abs; more of a challenge, but a great trick to pull out at parties.
Instructions To Perform Bakasana Yoga Pose:
To Know more about Crow Pose Yoga, Click Here.
Sanskrit Name: Balasana
Balasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The child’s pose in yoga lets you relax and breathe into your back; stretches the hips, thighs and ankles; relieves back and neck pain.
Instructions To Perform Balasana Yoga Pose:
Click here to know more about Balasana.
Sanskrit Name: Gomukhasana
Gomukhasana Yoga Pose Benefits:
While these are ample of poses in yoga for stress management, this pose in yoga is extremely effective. The cow pose stretches your arms, tones your belly while relieving stress and bringing you instant calm.
Instructions To Perform Gomukhasana Yoga Pose (Gomukhasana steps):
For further information on Gomukhasana Yoga Pose, go here
The jump squats exercise is a simple to perform & an effective workout that helps tone your thighs, legs and hips.
Benefits of Jump Squats Exercise: The squat jump exercise routine helps in weight loss, increases legs strength, assist in building muscles and aids in improving both – upper & lower body strength.
Instructions To Perform Squat Jumps Exercise:
Know more about Squat Jump by clicking here.
Be it basic skater lunges or advance skater lunge workout, this exercise assist in increasing muscle tissues and improves your core muscle strength.
Benefits of Skater Lunges Exercise: The skater lunge workout is an extremely rewarding workout that engages the muscles in the back & abdominal, helps improve your posture & stability and improves knee & hips flexibility.
Instructions To Perform Skaters Lunge Exercise:
Click here for more information on Skater’s Lunge.
Sanskrit Name: Upavistha Konasana
Upavistha Konasana Yoga Pose Benefits: This stress release yoga pose stretches your feet while relaxing your entire body and calming your mind.
Instructions To Perform Upavistha Konasana Yoga Pose:
Sanskrit Name: Salabhasana
Salabhasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The locust pose yoga stretches your arms, your shoulders and your back.
Instructions To Perform Salabhasana Yoga Pose:
Sanskrit Name: Jathara Parivartanasana
Jathara Parivartanasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The supine spinal twist yoga pose releases tension from your lower back, making you feel a lot calmer.
Instructions To Perform Jathara Parivartanasana Yoga Pose:
Cardio kickboxing exercise is an intensive workout, which will tire you and eventually help you be fitter and sane. You can practice cardio kickboxing workout for 10 minutes a day, that should be enough.
To know the health benefits of Kickboxing training, go here!
Swimming will not just get you a toned body, but it’s super relaxing too. Especially in the summer. It’s okay if you cannot swim, you can just go for a dip, read a book while sitting on a water chair. Do all the fun things you can think of to get over stress with simple swimming exercises and workouts.
You may have heard of water aerobics, they are trending these days. Moreover, the more fun you have, the better for the de-stressing journey.
Sanskrit Name: Ustrasana
Ustrasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The camel pose yoga helps in relaxing your spine, strengthens your arms and legs and relaxes your neck.
Instructions To Perform Ustrasana Yoga Pose:
Click here for more information on Camel Pose.
Sanskrit Name: Supta Baddha Konasana
Supta Baddha Konasana Yoga Pose Benefits: This yoga pose for stress relief helps in stretching and relaxing your lower body.
Instructions To Perform Supta Baddha Konasana Yoga Pose:
Sanskrit Name: Viparita Karani
Viparita Karani Yoga Pose Benefits: The legs up the wall yoga pose strengthens your lower back while relaxing your upper body.
Instructions To Perform Viparita Karani Yoga Pose:
Sanskrit Name: Savasana
Savasana Yoga Pose Benefits: The corpse pose in yoga helps in relaxing and calming your entire body from outside, as well as inside.
Instructions To Perform Savasana Yoga Pose:
Zumba is a type of dance form which has been trending a lot these days.The Zumba dance workout is done for a specific duration and you can either do it at home or at a gym.
Zumba Fitness Benefits: The Zumba workout provides a full body exercise. It is especially a good exercise for weight loss and helps you improve your cardiovascular respiratory system.
You can practice different dance forms other than Zumba, such as Salsa, Ballet, or Bharatnatyam. Do anything that will sail your boat!
Hula hooping is the most fun and light exercise you can indulge in. It’s fun to do when you know how to do it. But, it’s even better if you don’t. The process of learning the hula hoop workout is so much more fun.
Hula Hoop Exercise Benefits: Like Zumba, the hula hoop exercise also provides you with a full body workout and helps strengthen your spine. Hooping is also an intensive workout and as such, it helps make your heart healthier as well as helps burn calories.
So, guys start hopping around. Do it with friends and family, make some videos, save those memories for the rough days.
Dive into our ultimate guide and start your path to a calmer, more balanced life today!
Here we have completed our six weeks session of De-stressing your Life. Follow these yoga postures for stress relief and routines religiously and notice the change!
If you have any suggestions and opinions please let us know in the comment section below.
Also, as a certified fitness trainer, I offer a range of personalized health and fitness training that can help you improve your fitness level. I help devise different workout routines based on individual needs. Plus, I also provide additional services which include kickboxing, power yoga, diet and nutrition, and muscle rehabilitation.
If you are in need of any of the above-stated health and fitness service, kindly contact me for further details.