
Ways To Reduce Anxiety & Stress: A Proper Diet & Exercise Plan

Ways To Reduce Anxiety & Stress: A Proper Diet & Exercise Plan

Depression and anxiety are increasing at a very alarming rate, which is affecting the young generation. Medication helps to get rid of the symptoms but does not teach you how to cure anxiety. To treat this mental condition, we need various approaches that not only relieve anxiety but also tackle the trigger. Physical exercise is one such natural remedy that helps to manage anxiety. Physical exercise has an instant effect on anxiety by improving mood, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being. Select a favourite form of exercise you would like to perform which can make living more enjoyable and stress-free.

A] Understanding The Relation Between Anxiety and Exercise

Anxiety is characterised by fear, excessive worry and nervousness which leads to significant distress and impairment in daily routine. So how does exercise reduce anxiety? There is the release of stress hormones mainly cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine leading to restlessness, irritability, and muscle tension. When you perform exercises daily, it helps to reduce these stress hormones.

Exercise not only helps to lose excess weight but also helps in releasing feel-good hormones that help to reduce stress. With exercise the mind calms down, there is increased focus, and the muscles become agile and flexible. There is the release of serotonin, dopamine and endorphins that help to reduce restlessness, nervousness and anxiety.

Lower your stress and anxiety with diet and exercise!

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B] Exploring The Various Exercises To Reduce Anxiety And Stress

1. Aerobic Exercises for Anxiety Relief


Women tend to procrastinate about their health, especially mental health citing lack of time as a major issue. Taking up any aerobic activities is one of the best women’s healthcare tips a female can follow. Aerobic exercise like walking releases endorphins that help to reduce anxiety. Cardiovascular activities like brisk walking, running and jogging release serotonin that helps to enhance the mood. The rhythmic movement while swimming helps to reduce anxiety and depression. Dancing becomes a channel to express emotions, makes you feel relaxed and promotes happiness.

2. Strength Training And Resistance Exercises

Anxiety makes you lose self-confidence and feel invalid most of the time. Strength and resistance training helps to build self-confidence and self-esteem. Regular strength training helps you to have a more positive outlook on life. Strength and resistance training includes exercises using body weight, resistance bands or weights. Strength training improves bone health and muscle strength,  and enhances endurance. It is advised to practice at least strength and resistance training twice a week to lower stress and anxiety.

3. Mind-Body Exercises For Stress Reduction


Mind-body exercises like power yoga, taichi and qigong are said to improve the symptoms of anxiety by promoting relaxation. Power Yoga is a dynamic form of yoga that involves focus strength and flexibility. It combines a flowing sequence of postures with aligned breath work pushing the mind to remain in the present and remain calm.

Tai chi and qigong are gentle martial arts that emphasize controlled slow movement, slow breathing and alertness.  Meditation directly helps to calm the mind and improve focus and mood. Meditation helps to relax the mind and body at the same time.

4. Outdoor Activities And Nature Therapy

Exploring nature is also as good as physical exercise for anxiety. Outdoor activities such as hiking and nature walks not only help you remain physically fit but also provide emotional and mental benefits. Spending time in nature is said to reduce stress, improve mood and promote a sense of calmness and self-being. Gardening helps you to personally connect with nature and nurture Mother Earth. It becomes therapeutic and uplifts the mood when you take care of nature and reap its fruits and flowers. Hiking in nature gives you a break from a hectic routine and teaches you to admire nature and feel good.

5. Interval Training And High-Intensity Workouts

Interval training involves alternating with high-intensity workouts and periods of rest or low-intensity workouts. Whereas high-intensity workouts are forms of interval training that involve forms of short intense bursts of exercise followed by a short recovery period. High-intensity workouts improve cardiovascular functioning, boost metabolism, and help lose weight.

These highly intense workouts release endorphins and neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. These endorphins reduce nervousness and restlessness. Completion of every set gives you a sense of achievement and boosts confidence.

6. Flexibility And Stretching Exercises

Flexibility exercises involve exercises such as stretching, pilates and gentle mobility exercises. Regular stretching and flexibility exercises reduce muscle tension, strengthen bones, and improve posture, leading to a sense of relaxation in the body and enhancing overall well-being. Yoga consists of physical posture, breathing exercises and guided meditation. Yoga and mental health have a strong connection. It is said to have positive effects on mental well-being by reducing anxiety, and stress and promoting relaxation. Pilates involves core strengthing that helps to reduce muscle tension and improve posture.

C] Nutritional Strategies To Lower Stress And Anxiety


Nutrition is another natural way to reduce anxiety. Consume foods that are rich in antioxidants, reduce inflammation, reduce oxidative stress in brain cells, and provide essential vitamins and minerals necessary to reduce anxiety, enhance brain function, and relax the mind. Include foods like fresh fruits and vegetables that are loaded with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals. They help to reduce oxidative stress and boost metabolic activities.

Dark green leafy vegetables provide minerals like magnesium that reduce anxiety and folate that helps to improve mood. Nuts and seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals that reduce oxidative stress, improve mood and reduce anxiety. Green tea or chamomile tea helps to soothe the muscles and reduce inflammation and anxiety symptoms.

D] Tips for Getting Started and Staying Motivated

With such busy schedules, it is important to set realistic goals. To stay consistent on the decided exercise and fitness routine it is crucial to find the activities that are enjoyable and sustainable.  Consistency is the key to successful mental health. Set small targets that are easy to achieve and with time broaden the spectrum of the fitness goals.

Reward your achievement with any activity you enjoy without majorly disturbing the daily set routine. Find a workout buddy who can keep you motivated all along your journey without judging or discouraging your smallest efforts. In case of severe anxiety symptoms, it is best to take medical advice from a professional for better recovery along with these non-conventional methods.

Lower your stress and anxiety with diet and exercise!

Start your journey to calmness today.

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Physical exercise offers various benefits for anxiety relief like reducing levels of stress hormones, increasing neurotransmitters associated with mood regulation, and providing a positive outlook towards life. Regular stress relief workout is an essential part of a holistic approach to managing anxiety, along with the above tips of healthy eating, proper sleep, and stress management techniques. It is best to explore the workout options that suit you the best which will help you to stay consistent with your mental health journey. Hire one of the best personal fitness trainers to gain maximum benefits without any negative effects on health.

Sudam Shelar

Sudam Shelar

Sudam Shelar is a certified fitness expert and health coach, specializing in personalized training and nutritional guidance for optimal well-being. With a keen focus on dynamic workouts, corrective exercises, and tailored programs, he excels in muscle rehabilitation, personal training, and holistic wellness.

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