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Sujok Therapy Treatment: Essential Benefits of Sujok Therapy

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Sujok Therapy Treatment Essential Benefits of Sujok Therapy

Sujok therapy, developed by Korean Professor Park Jae Woo, is a healing method based on the ancient science of acupressure. In this therapy, “Su” means ‘hand’ and “jok” means ‘foot’. It is said that the palms and soles of our feet have active acupoints, which correspond to the different organs in our body. Sujok therapy treatment is known to cure ailments and restore health and can be performed along with other therapies too.

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A] How is Sujok Therapy Treatment Different From Other Therapies?

How is Sujok Therapy Treatment Different From Other Therapies

Sujok therapy is similar to acupressure, but it is performed only with the fingertips. It involves applying pressure to the points on the palms or soles corresponding to the affected body part. These pressure points release the blocked energies and enhance the blood flow to the affected area.

  • Sujok uses various tools like mini rollers, ring massagers, magnets, jimmy, thumb pads, or seeds along with fingers.
  • Sujok therapy can be used for colds, coughs, and fever. It can also help with weight loss and high blood pressure management.
  • Sujok therapy not only treats physical illness but is helpful for mental balance too. It can help release happy hormones to treat anxiety and depression.
  • It can also help de-stress the body.
  • The treatment can take days or weeks to resolve issues, depending upon the severity of the illness.

On the other hand, in acupressure – the “Traditional Chinese Medicine” – the acupressure therapists use their fingertips, palms, elbows or feet to apply pressure to acupoints on the body’s meridians. These acupoints are present on the entire body from head to toe.

Acupressure treatment helps stimulate various points to treat illnesses. Acupressure restores the imbalance of energy flow in the human body. It is an invasive therapy which may also use needles to puncture some acupoints to open the energy channels.

B] Methods of Sujok Therapy

Methods of Sujok Therapy

Each section of the palm and foot represents different body parts. In Sujok therapy, you apply pressure on the points representing the affected body part. If it pains, then it needs treatment and energy release. For best results, apply pressure on both the palm and the leg.

*Similar areas on the soles correspond to the body parts.

  • Thumb: The thumb has acupoints for the head and the neck. It is divided into two sections – the tip of the thumb represents the head and the lower section, represents the neck.
  • Index and Little Finger on The Right Hand: The index finger represents the right hand, and the little finger represents the left hand. The lower division of the finger represents the upper arm, the middle one represents the lower arm, and the upper division represents the palm.
  • Middle and Ring Finger on The Right Hand: Middle finger represents the right leg, and the ring finger represents the left leg. The lowermost section of the finger represents the thigh, the middle division represents the calf muscles, and the uppermost division represents the foot.
  • The Bulgy Area Below The Thumb: It represents the diaphragm. The left side of the bulge represents the heart, and the right side of the bulge represents the lungs.
  • Palm: the pit of the palm represents the abdomen area. The backside of the palm represents the back.

C] Tools involved in Sujok Therapy

In Sujok therapy treatment, a few tools are used to apply pressure on the affected areas. These surface applicators prolong the stimulation effects on the corresponding points.

  • Mini-Rollers: These small rollers apply appropriate pressure to energize the channels of the palms.
  • Ring-Massagers: These metal rings are interwoven, giving a mesh-like appearance. It is used to open channels on the fingers. It is worn as a ring and rolled from top to bottom of the finger with little pressure.
  • Magnets: Small flower-shaped 5-point magnets are stuck on the pressure points with the help of a tape. It is usually kept for a few hours for effective treatment.
  • Jimmy: It is a pointed stick used to apply more pressure and open deep channels. It is used for point-specific Sujok therapy.
  • Thumb pad: It is a pointed brush that covers certain areas of the palm or foot. It is used to apply pressure on the flat surface of the palm.
  • Seeds: Some whole or split pulses are placed on the acupoints or taped for a few days.

D] Benefits of Sujok Therapy

Benefits of Sujok Therapy

  1. Cold cough and fever relief: Apply pressure on the site of the lungs to relieve the congestion in the lungs.
  2. Diabetes control: You can use Sujok therapy for diabetes by applying pressure on points in the abdominal region, which promotes insulin secretion and can help control blood sugar levels.
  3. Controls hypertension: Pressure on the acupoint for the heart helps in even blood circulation and controls blood pressure.
  4. Cures gastric issues: Applying pressure to the gastric region on the palm reduces the acid production in the stomach relieving acidity.
  5. Weight loss: You can use Sujok therapy for weight loss. It can help increase your blood circulation, boost metabolism, and reduce fat deposition. Along with Sujok therapy, you can also get weight loss training training in Mumbai from Sudam Shelar to see optimum results.
  6. Helps bronchitis: Another benefit of Sujok therapy is that it helps open the blocked alveoli and reduces lung inflammation.
  7. De-stressing the body: Sujok helps relieve sore points and releases blocked energy channels, de-stressing the body. It also induces sleep that will rejuvenate the body.
  8. Reduces anxiety: Sujok helps balance the energies and release of the feel-good hormone (dopamine) and helps reduce anxiety. It also helps release neurotransmitters that controls the heart rate, digestion, mood and feelings.
  9. Knee and back pain: Knee and back pain: In Sujok therapy, round-shaped seeds are used for back and knee pain. The seeds are stuck with tape on the side of the palm. You keep it there for a few days; when removed, the seed will have changed shape and become more brittle. It means the seed has absorbed the pain, and you will have less pain. You can reduce pain with muscle rehabilitation exercises if you still feel pain.


In any kind of illness, identify the sore spot in the palm or feet corresponding to it and apply pressure. This is universal and treats diseases with no medicine at all. Its efficacy differs from person to person depending on how their body responds to the treatment.

Along with these natural remedies, you should also incorporate working out. It is not necessary that it should be in the gym, but if you are looking for a personal fitness trainer in Mumbai, Contact us! We will help you come up with a tailored fitness regime that with help improve your health.

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